
Position, Torque & Speed Control in a Configurable, Compact Plug & Play Motor Controller

Data Device Corporation (DDC) introduces a modular and scalable DSP-based, full featured motor controller that offers multi-interface position, torque and speed control, and is designed for demanding high reliability industrial, military, and aerospace applications. The new PW-87/88 series position, torque and speed motor controller is available with 600/1200VDC, up to 75A output current, and is easily configured for optimal motor performance utilizing the supplied Windows®-based Graphical User Interface (GUI), providing cost saving flexibility to support changing application requirements.



  • Fully integrated, plug and play solution—bus powered platform with on-board power terminals and I/O connectors
  • Compact, highly efficient single module design provides Size, Weight, Power, and Cost (SWaP-C) savings
  • Easy-to-Use Graphical User Interface (GUI) provides a turnkey solution that can be easily tuned for use with a wide variety of brushless DC motors and loads
  • Hall, resolver, or encoder interface allows common design for position control to be used across multiple application platforms
  • Fully programmable device to meet your system requirements, eliminates need for costly hardware/software updates
  • 600VDC and 1200VDC rating available, with up to 75A output current
  • Available in multiple configurations:
    • Single board control/drive integrated solution
    • Dual card small form factor, providing smaller footprint in dual stack card configuration, and available custom configuration to enable controller to be separated from drive section (w/optional harnessing)
    • Controller board only; for use with external power drive

“Position, torque and speed control, along with multi-interface compatibility, and highly flexible programmability, enables the PW-87/88 series hi-rel motor controller w/integrated drive to be reconfigured for changing system requirements across multiple platforms, eliminating the need for costly hardware and software updates” stated Vincent Giardini, DDC Product Line Director, Motor Control Solutions.”

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